Tarajosu [@Tarajosu] creates Art that centers prominent people of colour as royalty and they’re breathtaking

Tarajosu [@Tarajosu] creates Art that centers prominent people of colour as royalty and they’re breathtaking

  Revel in these bright pieces made by the fine artist/ graphic designer Tarajosu. He brings photographs to life with his vivid use of colour and his eye-catching afro-futuristic designs.  With its gold themed,

[@Abiolaxox] #GUAPLookouts: 3 male creatives you must get to know!

[@Abiolaxox] #GUAPLookouts: 3 male creatives you must get to know!

We know we’re not the only ones who can sit on Instagram for hours, just preeing different people going as far down as possible hoping you’ll not press that like button by accident. During my preeing time,