Black student at Oxford dies after being restrained by police

Black student at Oxford dies after being restrained by police

This makes him the 5th black man to die at the hands of the police this year.

And it’s a shame that he didn’t get the coverage that he truly deserved. This might come as a shock to anyone reading this but unfortunately, this incident occurred a few months back.

Originally from Angola, he came to England at a young age and grew up in Camden. Nunu Cordoso, a 25-year-old man, who wanted to become the best lawyer in the country was robbed of his life last year in November. He loved to have a good debate, cook for his family and was generally a happy person.

He was arrested in the early hours on the 24th of November on suspicion of assault and apparently ‘fell ill’ while in a police car and was taken out of the car to be treated before he died under these suspicious circumstances. Unfortunately, the circumstances of his death were ironic as he went to study law at Oxford University because of his deep-rooted interest in the racial injustices in this country. He was just a few weeks into his first year before he was arrested at his hall of residence. His family is currently waiting for a detailed explanation of what exactly happened that night.

His sisters, they went straight to university as soon as they finished sixth form but he did not go when he left school. He wanted to do other things. For a while he wanted to try and be a chef. He loved to cook. “We always showed him the benefits of university but we wanted him to go when he thought it was the right time for him. When he left his words to me were: ‘Mum, I’m going to make you very proud – I am going to be the best lawyer in the country.’ He also witnessed a lot of injustice: black boys not being given a fair chance. He was really involved when there was the Black Lives Matter [movement] in America. He was voicing a lot about the way police were treating black people in America, here and around the world – Doroteia Dos Santos,  Nunu’s Mother.

Considering Police brutality in this country isn’t as bad as America, we shouldn’t forget that whenever a black man dies at the hands of the police in this country is brushed under the carpet. Let’s show support by tweeting the  hashtag.

Listen to Ambush’s tribute below.